Art expresses your imagination or technical skill. Not sure how "artsy" you are? We can help. Your home is a blank canvas, our stencils will bring your imagination and creativity to life! We offer templates designed with various styles and multiple sizes; you are sure to find the perfect project to fill that blank space. You do not need to be an experienced “artist" to express your imagination and add a personal touch to your home. Whatever you are planning for your home decor, we have all the tools to help get you there.

Home Decor Stencils (7)

Dome Stencil Brush | Scumble | Swirl | Stipple |...


Love is Patient Jumbo 3-Part Stencil by StudioR12 | DIY...


Milk & Cookie Co. Stencil by StudioR12 | Santa North...


Fa La La La Jumbo 3-Part Stencil with Ornaments by...


Round Clock Stencil - Industrial Roman Numerals - Farmers Market...


Come Gather in Our Kitchen - Word Stencil - Sit...


Eat Drink Give Thanks Jumbo 2-Part Stencil by StudioR12 |...
